I am SO glad to announce i will be joining the cast of Michael Lucas’s new major flick, “Assassin”, and also will enjoy the moment to make my only ever appearance in Splash NYC on Friday February 11th. Come and meet me guys, i do not bite! (unlike asked to).
And here is a great video done by my best friend at Queerclick.com, Eliot Burns. Please check his website and stay in touch with the latest news of this crazy world!
The evolution of Wilfried Knight
Man, you can see women treat you wrong, they are bad for your health.. Embrace your gay side and come to me! You know you wanna!
Oh, and please grow your goatee again before turning up at my door!

The start of worldwide domination..
An amazing shoot made possible by Michael Lucas, shot by Nicolas Wagner upon my return to porns after a two years hiatus, in 2008
To all fans, whoever likes or loves me, please vote on Grabbys.com starting this Thursday, January 6th to co-present the award show.
I am making this year a really fun one, and am relying on your support to go beyond expectations!
Time to switch off totally and I will be off connection, off the Web for two weeks starting NOW!
Have a wonderful break all of you and we shall share more exciting news in the coming year!
Thanks for the constant support, a performer is nothing without his audience again!
I will be posting a set of new pictures on here by Monday. A new Wilfried Knight is porn
SNL Sarah Palin Network
Where is the freedom?
You’ve to to love that. Sadly comedians do not have to write much these days: they just have to repeat what some awful politicians truly state!
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Finally reaching my second graduation after 3 years, i will be taking a major time off “thinking” and just let it all go, hitting San Diego, San Francisco, Puerto Rico and ultimately, Miami for New Year’s eve. If you spot me, please feel free to come and say hi, i always am happy to meet any of you.
It has been a fabulous year for which i have to thank all my fans. I am always grateful for the place i still have in this industry, as i truly thought i would never still be around after 7 years!
More to come with a great movie to be shot in January in NYC, with a plot to kill for (literally), thanks to Nate at Lucasentertainment. Mr Pam shall once again bring out the dirtiest out of us all!
For those who already have asked, i do not know yet who i will be paired with, and am myself waiting patiently to know.
Watch this space!
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