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11 Responses to “As promised, a leather shoot sample, just done for my own fun”

  1. 1
    frank Says:

    Fat meat bar, have me a bite ? howling , wolf. After playing Jesus and this shots;a suggesion that Roman soldier costume fits you well. Thx for seasoning.

  2. 2
    wilfried Says:

    Good to note that the Jesus thing at the GayVN thing was made possible by my great friends Tamara and Eliott

  3. 3
    anon Says:

    putaaaaaiiiinnnnn VIVE LA FRANCE oh la laaaaaa

  4. 4
    wilfried Says:

    Tu m’etonnes!!!

  5. 5
    anon Says:

    non non non mec, TU m’etonnes!!!!!!! merci pour les photos, ton travail, pour TOUT! j’aime ta bite et tout heehehe mais la verite est-ce que je prefere ton doux sourire.. a travers elle on peut voir que t’as une belle coeur & que t’es super gentil… donc merci pour ce petit cadeaux et des bisous enormes (sur la bouche hehehehe)

  6. 6
    wilfried Says:

    Ben c est gentil tout ca monsieur. Tu as l air de bien me cerner. Big bear hugs

  7. 7
    frank Says:

    In traslation,Sweet smile ; big dick ?

  8. 8
    frank Says:

    Do you wear chains often , Why ? great of you naked with matals

  9. 9
    wilfried Says:

    I love it indeed. Leather and chains. I embrace it fully and the boys seem to as well!

  10. 10
    kenny Says:

    Will u marry me.. 🙂

  11. 11
    kenny Says:

    Wilfried Knight, i wanna be ur babydoll..


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