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The blessing of fate!!!

By wilfried. Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

I just have had the most ridiculous and spectacular bicycle fall on my daily 30 miles ride due to faulty brakes (WTF!!!!!) and went literally flying (200lbs plus a loaded bag)over traffic to the roof of car driven by…..a 6ft3 huge built Venezuelian born Fireman!!!! There must be some kind of God after all.

AAAARGH! Where are you Mr Pam when we need yoou to shoot the action? Hmmm?

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2 Responses to “The blessing of fate!!!”

  1. 1
    bill wicks Says:

    Blessings of fate. You found a hot fireman and I found your pics on Big Muscle. I went head over heels and no one was there to catch me. I may become of fireman if there are guys like you falling off bikes.

  2. 2
    Woodrow Honan Says:

    Man, I am happy that I found this site! I really love this stuff and it is tottally what I need. Awesome site!


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